have FUN & join US!

Come join us and have fun while we support the school. 

No special knowledge needed and planning is done by email or phone before the event. 

Contact the PTA at volunteer@despta.org for more details!

Please attend our monthly PTA meetings to share your voice.

Most importantly, we need volunteers to help make decisions on events and activities that we support at school.  

These roles are open:

Whatever you would like to do, we have a place for you!

Ongoing roles (over the school year, 1-2 hours a month):

President: Leads PTA meetings. Communicates with families and staff. 

Directs email correspondence to committee members. Engages with PTA volunteers and addresses ideas, events and/or needs. Signs checks with the Treasurer.

Attends some PTA events to thank PTA members for attending. 

(1 hour a day a weekday to monitor emails; perhaps more the week of PTA meetings or events.)

VP: Works closely with the President. Communicates weekly with the Principal regarding PTA events. Manages social media postings of events and meetings. Supports the community. 

Attends some PTA events to thank PTA members for attending. 

(1-2 hours a week; perhaps more the week of PTA meetings or events.)

Secretary: Maintains PTA calendar of meetings and events. 

Leads agenda of the monthly PTA meetings. Takes attendance and notes during the meeting.

Requests use of school facilities for events. 

Attends some PTA events to thank PTA members for attending. 

(1-2 hours a week.)

Treasurer: Maintains PTA budget. Tracks financial payments to the PTA. Balances bank account and writes checks as needed/monthly. Completes annual audit of finances and pays dues and taxes annually. 

Attends some PTA events to thank PTA members for attending. 

This role could be split into 2 positions: write checks and manage bank deposits; maintain budget and answer questions.

(1-2 hours a week to review payments and write checks; perhaps more the week that bank statements are reconciled, and audit/tax forms are submitted.)

Before / After School activities Work with vendors to set up activities for students.

(1-2 hours a week to plan, preferably by August, connect with vendors, and promote.) 

Bulletin Board Print and post flyers on the PTA display board about upcoming events for students. 

(1-2 hours a month.)

Cluster Representative for Quince Orchard or Northwest High School 

Attends in person or virtual meetings with other PTAs that feed into Quince Orchard and Northwest high schools. Reports info back to DES PTA. (1-2 hours a month.) 

Cultural Arts Plan school assemblies throughout the year for all grades.

(1-2 hours a week to plan and promote; 1-3 hours on the day of the event.)

Diversity and Inclusion Help to make all students feel heard and seen at school.

(1 hour a week/month to discuss ideas and share information.)

Fifth Grade Recognition Work with 5th grade teachers to plan and purchase items for class parties: Halloween, Valentine’s day, Field day; plan for Graduation.

(1-2 hours a week to promote; 2-3 hours to host each event.)

IT support  Set up a zoom link once a month for PTA meetings; troubleshoot issues occasionally.

(1 hour a week/month.)

Membership August - October: Encourage families to become PTA members. Attend Back to School events and the BtS Social to sign up members. Update member list and share with Board/Treasurer. 

(1-2 hours a week/month to plan and promote; update membership sheet bi-weekly in Aug-Oct.)

Resources/Special Needs Communicate with parents and the school to offer support for families.

(1 hour a week/month to discuss ideas and share information.)

Social Media / PTA website Post events info on the PTA website, Facebook and Groups.io.

(1-2 hours a week.)

Social Justice & Community Service Plan community activities such as Earth Day or volunteering at a retirement home. (1 hour a week/month to discuss ideas and share information.)

Spirit Gear Order items for events; design new logos; promote sales of shirts & accessories. Organize supplies. Determine raffles and prizes if needed.

(1-2 hours a week to plan and purchase items before the event; 2-3 hours the day of the event.)

Sponsorship Reach out to local businesses for sponsorship of PTA events. 

(1-2 hours a week/month to contact, plan and promote.)

Staff Appreciation Organize and bring treats to DES staff on a monthly basis. 

(1-2 hours a week to plan and purchase items; 2-3 hours the day that you lead the event.)

Events (one time, 1-2 hours a week planning; up to 2-3 hours hosting the event):

Back to School Social (Plan an event to welcome students in September or plan for an 

End of Year event in June.

(1-2 hours a week to plan and promote in summer/August; 3-4 hours the day of the event.)

Book Fair  One week in late Fall - coordinate with vendors, plan logistics, set up display, train/lead volunteers, assist students with purchases in school, take down displays and package books.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and plan. 2-4+ hours a day during the event.)

Coat Drive One week in late Fall - collect coats and drop off at non-profit.

(1-2 hours a week to promote; 1 hour per week to gather coats from school and drop off.)

Coin Drive One week - count coins collected from the classes.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and determine prizes for the grade/class; 2-3 hours each day of the event.)

Curb Appeal Twice a year, work with students to beautify the exterior of the school.

(1-2 hours a week to promote before the event; 2-4 hours the day of the event.) 

Dolphin Dash One day in Fall - fun run led by Mr. Golden.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and determine prizes; 1-2 hours the day of the event.) 

Finn-Go (Bingo) One day in the Spring - assist with Bingo for students and families.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and determine prizes; 2-3 hours the day of the event.)

Food Drive One week - collect canned goods for a local food bank.

(1-2 hours a week to promote; 2 times per week - gather food and drop off to the non-profit.)

Fun Run (Proposed)  One day in Spring.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and determine prizes; 2 hours the day of the event.) 

Holiday Fundraiserhelp us plan an engaging fundraiser that will help families plan/shop for the holidays

(1-2 hours a week to promote.) 

International Night One evening - plan to celebrate our diversity and various cultures.

(1-2 hours a week to plan, connect with families, and promote; 3-4 hours the evening of the event.)

Movie night One evening - plan with vendors; manage volunteers to set up tables and sell pizza, popcorn, etc.

(1-2 hours a week to promote; 2-3 hours the evening of the event.)

Readathon One month in Winter - plan readathon for students in January/February.

(1-2 hours a week to promote and determine prizes; 2-3 hours the last week of the event to select a winner and issue prize(s).) 

Restaurant Nights Schedule a monthly evening for families to dine out.

(1-2 hours a week/month to plan and promote.)

Valentine’s Dance One evening - plan dance in February.

(1-2 hours a week to plan, connect with vendors, and promote; 2-3 hours the evening of the event.)