Become a PTA member...

Let's make this school year the best! 

We're on a mission to hit our membership goal of 300+ families to host show-stopping events!

Sign up in less than 2 minutes and ensure our 650+ students and 100 staff members have a year to remember. 


Wondering WHY?  

The PTA brings Diamond to life

Students benefit academically from parent engagement.

From Cultural Arts assemblies to Dolphin Dash run, International Night, and more!

We're the heartbeat of the school's events.

We support the school to create a positive, caring environment for students.

Nudge another family to sign up. Let's make magic together!

Meet families and get to know teachers and staff.

As an official PTA member, you are invited to vote on how PTA raised funds are distributed. You have a say in your child’s school experience. 

Become a member and make your vote count!

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is comprised of parents and teachers just like you, supporting Diamond’s commitment to academic excellence for our children. 

We serve as advocates for the Diamond community and provide activities and programs that enrich our children’s education. Volunteering is NOT required, but appreciated!

Membership (click to open)

$30 per Family, $10 for Staff, $15 for Community Member/Relative

PTA memberships DO NOT carry over from year to year.

For each PTA member, our PTA pays $6.25 ($3.25 National PTA, $2 Free State PTA, $1 MCCPTA) in dues. 

The National PTA advocates for legislation impacting children and education on a national level, Free State PTA supports PTAs in Maryland, and MCCPTA supports schools and PTAs in Montgomery County.